•TelMaster focus is on the operator’s transmission network business segment and covers the complete network infrastructure of the operator’s network ;
oSwitching and
oService layers
•Unified Network Image serving as a central information repository consisting of:
oEquipment configuration parameters and performance measurements from heterogeneous data sources;
▪ATOLL uW Network Planning tool.
▪Ericsson SOEM.
▪Ericsson ENM.
▪Ericsson Traffic Node CDL configuration files.
▪HELIX Top 10 Packet Loss.
▪HPNNM router configurations from the IP network.
▪Network alarms read directly from alarms database.
▪Fiber Optics cable paths.
oManual administration of network resources.
▪uW Links editor
▪Leased Lines editor
▪HAKOM Permits OCR/ life cycle management
▪User defined Cable Editor
▪User defined GIS layer editor
oPresentation of unified network image.
▪Integrated physical and logical uW Transmission network presentation.
•Dashboards with actual and historical network data.
•Unified presentation of network spatial features in TelMasterGIS with GIS layers for;
ouW radio network.
oLeased lines.
oFO Cables paths.
oPolitical subdivisions
▪State and coast boundaries.
oInfrastructure layers;
oMap overlays with public map providers;
▪Open Street Map,
▪World Topo Map,
▪DeLorme Map,
▪Stamen; Terrain, Toner, WaterColor.
•Integrated service and cost management.
oHAKOM Permits Life Cycle Management
oHAKOM Permits Statistics
oLeased Lines management and costs.
•Network analysis and expansion dimensioning.
ouW Network dimensioning.
oNetwork work order and VLAN tracing.
oData reliability analysis with automated comparison of parameters from different data sources.
•Network alarms, performance indicators, alerts and notifications.
oEmail notifications.
▪HAKOM Permits Expire Today.
▪HAKOM Permits monthly notifications.
▪Atoll-Soem Import email notification.
oHelix Top 10 Packet loss evaluation including;
▪Performance alerts,
▪Email notifications.
oHelix Weekly Max Traffic analysis consisting of;
▪GIS Map visualization,
▪Interactive contextual chart in TelMasterGIS.
•Integrated user authentication and membership management.
oUser role assignment based on authenticated user domain account.
oUser activity tracking via - User's Activity Log.
oApplication security assured via five user security roles.
▪Data Admin
oFull access to sensitive data is reserved for System Administrators only;
▪User Permissions and Roles editor.
▪User's Activity log browser.
▪Who Is Online (Currently logged users).
▪System Announcements Editor.
oData updates flagged with ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate attributes.
•TelMaster user's area.
oIs reserved for private notes enabled with integrated Html Editor.
oHyperlinks in documents can be used as shortcuts to frequently used menu commands .
•System Announcements Module.
oEnables System Administrators to create broadcast announcements to all users.
oIf not already read, latest announcement appears in a pop-up window during TelMasterGIS startup.
oAnnouncements are also presented in TelMaster Admin default work area of .
oAll messages are saved in the aspnetdb database.
•TelMaster HAKOMWebRobot
oHakomWebRobot (HWR) is a Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) Windows application that is part of HAKOM Permits Life Cycle Management.
oHWR enables automated delivery of request for permit for microwave link parameters to HAKOM website with the following functionality:
▪Automated reading, parsing, processing and delivery of required parameters for Request for Permit for microwave link.
•HWR input data comes from request ASCII text file.
•TelMaster consists of two main modules