•TEMIP alarms are visualized within TelMaster Alarms Map as point layers.
oAlarms are are read directly from alarms database on Sql Server and refreshed every 5 minutes.
oAlarms are read from alarms table and further processed and consolidated with TelMaster network description.
▪Alarm NETWORK_ELEMENT is related to NodeID to enable georeferencing of alarms for GIS visualization.
oNodes without alarms are drawn as green dots.
▪For scale range 0 - 699999 as dot of 7 points and feature label.
▪For scale range 700000 - 1999999 as dot of 4 points and no feature label
▪For scale range 2000000 - Infinity nothing is drawn.
•To not clutter the Map.
oNodes with alarms are drawn with red dots.
▪For scale range 0 - 699999 as dot of 7 points and feature label.
▪For scale range 700000 - Infinity as dot of 5 points and feature label.
▪Nodes with alarms are additionally visualized with different symbols according to SYSTEM attribute;
Figure 21: Alarms symbols
Figure 22: Alarms map at maximal zoom.