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TelMaster Network GIS main task is to manage network assets and operational parameters in a consistent manner using custom developed tools.

oTelMasterGIS is 64 bit Web application running on Internet Information Services (IIS) web server based on MapGuide Open Source and  following supporting technologies:

Microsoft SQL Server database consisting of data tables, views, stored procedures, functions and SSIS ETL procedures.

ASP.NET based custom developed user interface elements, algorithms and GIS manipulation routines.

Presently three TelMasterGIS Maps are implemented;

oNetwork Operations Map

oNetwork Dimensioning Map

oNetwork Alarms Map

Maps coordinate system is

o WGS84.PseudoMercator (WGS84 based Mercator (spherical formulation)).

Each Map can have map overlays from public map providers;

oOpen Street Map,

oWorld Topo Map,

oDeLorme Map,

oStamen Terrain, Toner or WaterColor.


Figure 10:  TelMasterGIS covers all transmission aspects of triple play provider.

Figure 10:  TelMasterGIS covers all transmission aspects of triple play provider.


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