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Validity of the permit is nominally five years.

For each uWLink Permit is paid in advance for one year  (prepayment).

oPermits are renewed every year.

oAccounting costs are spread over 12 months.

RF Spectrum Permits Expenses are calculated for the following Statuses:

oPermit Valid (Valjana) for new and temporary permits.

When a new Permit is imported into TelMaster, it status is automatically set to Permit Valid status.

The key date for financial monitoring is Valid until date (Vrijedi do).

oPermit Modification (IZMJENA dozvole).

The key date for financial monitoring is Status date (Datum Statusa) that is set to the date of the modification.

Other relevant statuses are:

oPermit Canceled status (Dozvola PONIŠTENA).

When a new permit arrives the old permit ceases to appear in the financial statements when its validity period expires (12 months) and the status is set to Permit Canceled.

oPermit Revoked status (Otkazane dozvole);

A Permit that is revoked is paid till the end of the current 12 months period.

Monthly permit expenses appear in the financial statements until the last day of the annual validity period (DateOfDatumValjanostiInCurrentYear

The key date for financial monitoring is Date of revoke (DatumStatusa).

RF Spectrum Expenses for uWLink Permits are updated daily.

oPermit cost consists of two parts;

Cost of Ministry

This cost is dependent on;

oF factors (F0, FA, FB, FC, F2) that come from  RF Spectrum Cost Model related to uWLink FREQBAND,  calculated with the formula;

(F0 * FA * FB * Maximum(1, Minimum(5, FC /LinkLength)) *BW * F2)



oTransmission Speed (BrzinaPrijenosa).

oXPIC parameter.

Permit cost of uWLinks with XPIC is 50% of the nominal cost.

oPermit date (DatumDozvole).

oPermit validity date (DatumValjanostiDozvole).

oPermit validity date in the current year (DateOfDatumValjanostiInCurrentYear).

oCost of HAKOM Agency

Currently this cost is fixed at 106,18 Eur for all uW Links except

Eband 6352 (80 GHz) uW Links  for which HAKOM Permit cost is 26,54 Eur.



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